Social Psychological Perspectives on Education
Termine:Fr., 22.04.2022, 10-18 Uhr, 1211 - 026
Sa., 23.04.2022, 10-18 Uhr, Raum folgt
Mo., 25.04.2022, 14:30-17:30, 1211 - 402
Fr., 29.04.2022, Exkursion NYU Berlin Campus
Bewerbung mit Motivationsschreiben und Lebenslauf an die Dozentin, Elisabeth Höhne
Bewerbungsschluss ist der 08.04.2022
Social psychology is concerned with understanding how others – actual or imagined – influence our affects, cognitions, and behaviors. In the extracurricular course "Social Psychological Perspectives on Education", you will learn about key concepts in social psychology and how they can be applied to education. The topics of this course will include the social self (e.g., How do students develop academic self-concepts? What role do social upward and downward comparisons play with regard to students'' affects and learning outcomes?), social cognition (e.g., What types of cognitive biases are there and how can they influence teachers'' perceptions and judgments of their students? What are strategies to avoid these biases in educational settings?), emotions (e.g., How do emotions influence students'' learning as well as the social interactions with peers and teachers? What is the role of educational institutions in teaching emotional intelligence?), prosocial behavior and helping (e.g., How can teachers foster cooperation in increasingly diverse classrooms and prevent homophily? What are the chances and risks of digital media and distance learning for students'' academic exchange networks?) as well as intergroup attitudes and relations (e.g., What impact can stereotypes have in educational settings? What role does the social learning environment play in (re-)producing educational inequalities and how can teachers help reduce them?). In two sessions, you will also get the opportunity to work together with international students from different Global Academic Centers of NYU, of which the second one on April 29 will take place at the Berlin campus of NYU (excursion fees will be covered by the University Quality Improvement Funds for Teacher Education).
Please note that the language of instruction in this course will be English.
Es handelt sich bei dem Seminar um ein extracurriculares Angebot.
Für die erfolgreiche Teilnahme am Seminar wird Ihnen eine Bescheinigung ausgestellt.